The client is an India-based value chain organization focused on niche areas of supply chain, adding value to services. It is founded by professionals with more than 100+ man years of experience. Headquartered in Bangalore, the client has its offices in Chennai, Hyderabad, Hubli, Mysore, Delhi, Mumbai & Pune.
Reverse Logistics can have a significant impact on e-commerce / services / manufacturing companies’ bottom line with immense potential to recover value and provide superior support, experience and service to their customers. Historically, Reverse Logistics represents one of the complex areas in supply chain & logistics with many supply chain actors, acting internally and externally, with their own objectives.
The client required an alternative solution to the paper-based process of handling product returns, which was causing problems for their customers’ warehouse staff, finance department, retailers and consumers.
The Reverse Logistics application is a unique, end-to-end tech-enabled logistics solution for the most painful area of operations, which has been a nightmare for all supply chain professionals. Reverse Logistics is one area where there has been huge revenue leakage across verticals and across the spectrum of business houses because of inefficient reverse logistics.
This application is a first in the history of India, covering most of the verticals and multiple business models – be it manufacturing or distribution or retailer or service center. The application is curated to solve multiple logistics issues at the consumer’s doorstep and provide L1 service for all verticals.
The application prompts the retail returns clerk for all of the pertinent information and won’t allow them to proceed until all fields are filled in correctly. There is even a drop-down menu with a series of questions designed to troubleshoot common problems resulting from improper installation or operation. This helps reduce ‘no fault founds’.
With the application, even a temporary staff member can handle a complex returns operation with minimal training and look like a professional while they do it. Customers are happy as the decision-making process is immediate. Staff are happy because the application minimizes the time they have to spend on returns activities, which means more time being able to sell. The retailer is happy as it means that any credit due is processed and applied to their account much faster. The client’s customers are happy because they are lowering their costs and increasing their efficiencies.
The application is web & mobile-based and changes can be done on the fly – such as adding a new product or modifying a particular procedure – and roll them out immediately to various branches. Before the application, making changes was a long, drawn-out process. Now, it is almost instantaneous.
Quantilus set up the application so that the client’s customers can quickly integrate their returns policies and procedures into the system and populate the database with all of their product details. The Reverse Logistics application can also integrate with customers’ finance or ERP packages.